What Do You Think About Business Computing?

Four decades ago people using computer to maintain information and data. The implementation of computer helps ease the burden of recording and save up a lot of space for storage. The role is significant. Only large organisation and government agencies needed it.

In early 1990’s, computer system is massively used in every organisation. Knowledge based company rely even more to the computer system. The system makes recording work in order, shorten the communication cycle, fasten work procedure, save up cost and storage space, gaining of new knowledge and etc. At that point of time, it is a supporting role for an organisation.

In 21st century, the computer system is enhanced by additional roles of internet (World Wide Web), electronic commerce, advertising, social media and networking, on top of the existing offered benefits. It is known as information system. It has been upgraded from a supporting character to the lead function of day to day operation.

With increasingly weightage place on computing, the computing system helps organisation to well conducting and planning the product information. It also helps to save up time and effort retrieving old data, and results in cost reduction. It is used to run an organisation, and as a platform to generating revenue.

Business Computing is the integration of business and information systems. It is about solving problems and support business processes with computer based system, such as marketing and business resource management. Business computing comprises of online and offline function that help to ease the burden of an organisation employee. Online function indicates the internet connection of World Wide Web for resource finding, communication, advertising, marketing outreach and business trading. Offline function means information storage in spreadsheet and power point, statistics and analysis.

The implementation of internet brings tonnes of goodness to the business world. As minor as electronic mail usage have shorten the message and correspondence delivery duration and provide better management of information. It is hassle free as compared to the tradition snail mail.

It also promotes continuous learning for Manager and Executives at the click of finger. It enables information to be received immediately and gain better exposure to the outside world without physically presence.

Electronic commerce opens up new market and business for an organisation. It allows the organisation to penetrate further geographical area i.e. globalisation, and larger customer group. It increases the business opportunity with the advancement of information technology and raises the organisation image to a higher extent. It is used as a platform to introduce company product and services, and even trading online. Purchasing is made more easy in the modern day, without traffic congestion and difficulty finding parking lot.

Marketing tools have evolved from the traditional way into the digital era. Organisation uses internet as a medium to advertise product and services. Most of the organisation will opt for appropriate corporate website and catalogue product and services for the choice of customer. To go more in depth, personal selling could be targeted with the internet services from individual to a designated group of potential customer. Social media such as online networking – ‘Facebook’ is the latest tool acquire for marketing.

More and more online activity is equal to lesser paper usage. Benefits such as saving the storage place and saving up cost, information system also contribute to the environmental concern issue that is the global warming topic.

Challenges of Business Computing
The implementation of business computing has improved company’s day to day operations and activities, as well as individual lives by reducing cost, energy and resources. While the benefits are being enjoyed widely, the downside of its implementation is relatively affecting the user. Some common downside of business computing includes power failure (no power supply, no usage of computer facility), abusing of data, virus attack, computer crime and etc. These posing threats could lead to major disaster to an organisation that could result in millions dollar of recovery plan.

The implementation of electronic commerce has opened a lot of business opportunities, easing work burden and saving resources, but it also brings in issues that can be ethically challenged to the Management team, and the society.

High cost in maintenance and security update is a segment not to be left out. The maintenance of software and hardware system could be an enormous fee for an organisation. Security system must be updated from time to time to avoid virus resistance to the network system.

Consistent training to existing staff and new comer is another investment for an organisation. This helps to create the awareness of the security of information system to the IT employee, and employee.

Electric commerce has raised further security questions as debit and credit transaction will be carried out on internet. Chances of information get exposed thru internet is established and threat is possessed.

The existence of IT has made work easy for people and saves up a lot of resources. Thus, the employment rate of hiring manpower can be reduced. Reshuffling of manpower inter departmentally could be an option but the sense of belonging of staff could be put up to test.

Apart from that, there are a lot of health issues occurrence when associated with the usage if information technology. Common issues such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and Techno stress are often seen relating most employees dealing with computer.

The role of computer has occupied business, commerce and internet in today business world. Great emphasis is placed by the organisation on how computers are used within them. The importance of business computing is seen and feels in any organisation. It is strongly believed that the technology has never stopped developing and in times to come, more goodness is shared by all level of the society. Hopefully, the challenges associated with the growing of business computing could be reduced to safe level.

Last but not least, Business Computing is really very important and all organisations should be widely using Business Computing without a single doubt. Due to the important roles, it has become a subject that needs to be mastered by every organisation.


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